From appetizers to the main course to sumptuous sweets, there are dozens of delicious ways to incorporate our beer into your holiday nosh.
Bacon-Wrapped Beer Brats
Made with our Session Lager, these appetizers are the best kind of brats to have at your Thanksgiving dinner. Sweet and salty and easy to make, they'll be an instant sensation.
Pilsner Herb and Cheese Bread

Whether you want to serve this with some garlic butter with dinner or toast it and serve it with bruschetta as an appetizer, our Steam Whistle bread (featuring our pilsner) has earned a place in the holiday food hall of fame for good reason. It's easy to make and just as easy to love.
Spicy Honey Beer Shrimp
Our Pale Ale tastes delicious with these hot little prawns. Serve as a side dish to the main event, or stick a few toothpicks in them and you've got an amazing appetizer.
Serving Steam Whistle Session Lager with your turkey dinner is an often overlooked pairing. Our smooth, refreshing beer makes for a perfect intensity match for just about everything on the Thanksgiving table.
What's more, you can even use the beer to baste your bird, which will keep it moist and flavorful. Simply add beer, melted butter and herbs and get basting.
Sauced Spuds
Get your potatoes drunk! Grab our pilsner and try your hand at these Beer & Cheese Loaded Mashed Potatoes. They're the perfect comfort food for this long weekend, or any time you need to warm the cockles of your heart (and your gut).
Beer Infused Veggies & Rice
From a culinary, health and hosting standpoint, it's always good form to serve at least one vegan dish. This one-pan mash up of plant-based goodness is creamy, simple and can serve as a side dish or main course. We recommend our Session Lager for this dish.
Homemade Organic Apple Pie Dessert
Advanced bakers (you know, the type who makes their own pie crust) can try this beer and cheddar pie crust recipe. For a simpler approach incorporate beer into your pie filling by adding a 1/2 cup of beer along with sugar, spices and thickener (flour, cornstarch or tapioca) to the cooked apples for one 8-inch pie. The addition of the extra liquids might require you to pre-cook the pie a little longer than usual to get the right texture but the addition of the beer also imparts a malt forward biscuit-finish that adds a layer of complexity to your Grandma's pie recipe.
Blackberry Pilsner Corn Cake
Nothing says you care about the people you're feeding like taking the time to make something from scratch. That's where this Blackberry Pilsner Corn Cake comes in. Take the fruity tones in our pilsner, combine them with blackberries, creamed corn and sugar in a cake and you've got a dessert befitting thanks.
Pilsner Apple Fritters with Maple Vanilla Glaze
Here's one of our favourite dessert recipes that features our premium pilsner. A hint of maple syrup makes this treat especially Canadian and the apples infuse it with a perfect taste of autumn.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted on October 01 2020,