
Accessibility Policy and Procedures – Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities

The goal of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “AODA”) is to create a more accessible Ontario, by identifying, and to the extent possible, preventing, and eliminating barriers experienced by persons with a disability.

In accordance with the AODA, Steam Whistle Brewing has prepared this Integrated Accessibility Policy.

We are committed to meet the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner. We will achieve this vision by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and by meeting the accessibility requirements under the AODA.

It is our vision and goal to prevent and eliminate, to the extent possible, barriers experienced by persons with a disability at Steam Whistle Brewing.

Our Multi-year Accessibility Plan is a roadmap for how we will improve our accessibility. The Multi-year Accessibility Plan outlines the ways we will prevent and remove barriers over the next number of years by identifying our goals and the timelines for establishing our goals.

The Customer Service Standard Policy applies to all persons who, on behalf of, Steam Whistle Brewing deal with members of the public or other third parties and to all persons responsible for the development, implementation or oversight of our policies, practices, and procedures.

We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that our policies, practices, and procedures which impact the delivery of its goods and services to the public or to other third parties are consistent with the principles of dignity, equality of opportunity, integration, and independence as defined above.

We strive to communicate with persons with a disability in a manner that takes into account the disability. Approaches for communication are set out in our Accessibility Training Program.

All persons to whom this Customer Service Standard Policy applies will receive training on how to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disabilities. Persons with a disability are permitted, where possible, to use their own assistive device when on our premises for the purposes of obtaining, using or benefiting from our goods and services.

If there are physical, technological or other type of barrier that prevents the use of an assistive device on our premises we will make efforts to provide an alternative means of assistance to the person with a disability. All persons to whom the Customer Service Standard Policy applies will receive training on how to interact with persons with disabilities who use assistive devices.

Persons with a disability may enter our premises accompanied by a guide dog or service animal and keep the guide dog or service animal with them if the public has access to such premises and the guide dog or service animal is not otherwise excluded by law. If a guide dog or service animal must be excluded by law, we explain to our customer why this is the case and explore alternative ways to meet the customer’s needs.

All persons to whom the Customer Service Standard Policy applies will receive training on how to interact with persons with a disability accompanied by a guide dog or service animal.

A person with a disability may enter premises owned and/or operated by Steam Whistle Brewing with a support person and have access to the support person while on the premises. We may require a person with a disability to be accompanied by a support person where it is necessary to protect the health or safety of the person with a disability or the health or safety of others on the premises.

All persons to whom this Policy applies will receive training on how to interact with persons with a disability who are accompanied by a support person.

We will notify customers if there is a planned or unexpected disruption of a facility or service persons with a disability use to access our goods and services. The notice will be posted on the Steam Whistle Brewing website, and the Steam Whistle Brewing notice board at The Roundhouse.

The notice will include the following information:

  • that a facility or service is unavailable;
  • the anticipated duration of the disruption;
  • the reason for the disruption; and
  • alternative facilities or services, if available.

We will provide training, and ongoing training, to all persons to whom this Policy applies. In particular, we will ensure the following persons receive training:

  • every person who deals with members of the public or other third parties on behalf of Steam Whistle Brewing; and
  • every person who participates in developing our policies, practices, and procedures governing the provision of goods or services to members of the public or other third parties.

Training will include:

  1. an overview of the AODA and requirements of the Customer Service Standard;
  2. our plans to provide accessible customer service;
  3. a review of the Policy;
  4. how to interact and communicate with persons with various types of disabilities;
  5. how to interact with persons with a disability who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person;
  6. how to use equipment or devices made available on our premises to assist persons with a disability to obtain, use or benefit from our goods and services; and
  7. what to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing our premises and/or services.

This Policy and related practices and protocols shall be made available to any member of the public upon request. Notification of same shall be posted on a high-traffic area at each premise to which this Policy applies.

We welcome and appreciate feedback regarding the Integrated Accessibility Policy and its implementation. Feedback should be directed to Human Resources in the following ways:

  • By person
  • By email
  • By phone

Where possible, we will respond to complaints within two (2) weeks of the date that the complaint is received.

In certain circumstances, we may be required to take more action to effectively address the complaint. In such circumstances, the customer will receive an acknowledgement that the complaint has been received within two (2) weeks and we will respond to the complaint as soon as is practicable thereafter.

We will provide documents, or the information contained in documents, required to be provided under the AODA, to a person with a disability in a format that takes the person’s disability into account. We will work with the person to find a format that is accessible.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Steam Whistle Brewing Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

  1. Customer Service and Training (implemented and ongoing)

    The company will provide training to all employees on Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities. Training will be provided in a way that best suits the duties of the employees. The company will take the following steps to ensure employees are appropriately trained:

    • Determine the training requirements as it pertains to people with disabilities and ensure it is provided to all employees
    • Ensure training is provided to all employees as soon as possible
    • Maintain training dates
    • Ensure training is current and updated on any related policy changes

  2. Employment (implemented and ongoing) also refer to Employee Handbook

    a) Recruitment
    We will take all the following steps to notify applicants that accommodation is available upon request for all aspects within the selection process.
    • During the selection process, we will advise candidates that accommodation is available on request
    • If a candidate requests accommodation, we will discuss their needs with them
    • We will incorporate this requirement into HR policies and make available to all employees

    b) Individual accommodation plan and return to work
    The company will take the following steps to develop and implement a process for developing individual accommodation plans and return to work policies for employees that have been absent due to a disability
    • If an employee requests an accommodation, we will discuss the plan with the employee

    c) Performance Management and Career Development
    The company will take the following steps to ensure the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities are taken into account
    • Take into account the accessibility needs of the employee when assessing performance and managing career development

    d) Accessibility barriers prevention and removal
    The company recognizes that identifying and removing barriers to accessibility is crucial to meeting the requirements of AODA and creating a culture of accessibility for customers, clients and employees.

    e) Workplace Emergency Response Information
    The company will provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have disabilities for the four points below:
    • If the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and we are aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee’s disability
    • Where the employee needs assistance we will with the consent of the employee provide the Workplace Emergency Response information
    • Review the individualized Workplace Emergency Response information when the employee moves to a different department and/or the plans are reviewed

  3. Information and Communication (implemented and ongoing)

    Steam Whistle Brewing is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. The company will provide publicly available emergency information in an accessible way upon request. We will also provide employees with disabilities with individualized emergency response information when requested:

    Accessible Emergency Information
    We are committed to provided customers and clients with publicly available Emergency Information in an accessible way upon request.

    • Feedback, accessible formats and communication supports
    Steam Whistle Brewing has a policy in process for receiving and responding to feedback, and will ensure these processes are provided in accessible formats upon request. In addition, we will provide accessible formats and communication supports for people with disabilities upon request and will consult with the person making the request to determine suitable accessible formats.

    • Website Availability
    The company will ensure that its internet website and web content conforms with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA

More Information:

For more information on this accessibility plan and to receive accessible formats of this document, please contact the Human Resources Department:
Phone: 416-362-2337 or Email:
Address: The Roundhouse, 255 Bremner Boulevard, Toronto, M5V 3M9

Customer Feedback Form

Thank you for visiting Steam Whistle Brewing. We strive to improve accessibility for our customers, clients and employees with disabilities. We would like to hear your comments, questions and suggestions about the provision of goods or services to people with disabilities.

First Name
Last Name