Celebrating 20 Years of Steam Whistle

Over the last two decades Steam Whistle has been proud to be your beer of choice! Join us and take a look back at the past of this beautiful beverage.

Over the last two decades, it's been our privilege to have our beer join Canadians at their homes, cottages, and gatherings. Since The Three Fired Guys first sat around that campfire and dreamed of creating something incredible, we've never strayed from our vision to brew a true-craft beer. 

This year, to celebrate our 20th anniversary, we're thanking our beer-lovers with exclusive offers and opportunities. Keep reading to find out what 2020 has in store for you and Steam Whistle.

2020 Bottle Opener

We've been celebrating our anniversary with custom openers for the past 15 years, and we couldn't be prouder of these inspired, unique bottle openers. Crack open your next Steam Whistle in style with our 20th-anniversary opener that pays homage to the canoe trip that started it all. 

This paddle-shaped opener is distinctive and unlike any other opener you'll find. Each time you open a brew, you'll be taken back to the canoe trip that spawned Canada's favourite beer and feel a little bit more Canadian with each sip. 

With a beautiful deep brown sheen, deep grooves in the paddle, and the engravings that proudly mark this significant anniversary, your opener will make you never want to drink a twist-off again.

Scavenger Hunt Box

Turning 20 is a big deal, and we felt Canadians needed a little something extra this year. Our special edition box design isn't just a good looking box (if we do say so ourselves). It's actually a scavenger hunt for you to find 20 different icons that each symbolize part of our history. 

You can keep track of the icons you find using our interactive webpage and find out more information on each. You might wonder what a bullfrog has to do with Steam Whistle. The answer is cleaner than you'd think!

Explore more at steamwhistle.ca/20years!

A look back...

You might only know Steam Whistle as your favourite beer in that signature green bottle. But Steam Whistle has a storied past, and one that we're proud of. 20 years ago, Steam Whistle was just a twinkle in the eye of three friends who affectionately called themselves the "Three Fired Guys". They were colleagues at a premier microbrewery that was bought and closed down, as is the sad case for many breweries. 

Greg Taylor, Cam Heaps and Greg Cromwell decided to take a canoe trip that would later become the stuff of Steam Whistle legends. 

Next to the fire, the three friends dreamed up a brewery that would quickly become one of Canada's largest true-craft breweries and a top beer in the entire world. Their vision of a clean beer with simple ingredients and a distinctive, delicious taste would last more than two decades, and we're just getting started.

20 years isn't an easy achievement for a Canadian brewery, and the Good Beer Folks want to thank you for your support over the years. Cheers to you, and we hope to see you soon at The Roundhouse!

Posted on July 13 2020, By: Steam Whistle


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